Monday, October 20, 2008

Truth About Men - How to Strenghten your Relationship

Ever wonder why men commit infedility eventhough you are very loyal and supportive to him?
There are 3 reasons why men commit infedility;

1. They are not their true self with you -

Why is this so? Men want women to understand that they don't want to be controlled and want to be accepted of who they really are. An example of this is that, 80% of women hate their husbands who drinks, have a boys night out. Most Men get annoyed by this even though they won't show it to you. Acceptance must be visible in your relationship, if your men drinks, or wants to have a night out with friends atleast once a week, you should allow them. Yes, in marriage lifestyle should change, but always remember this, people don't change overnight, the change must come from one's inner self not because they were told to. Change must be made when the desire to change is made truly be themselves, by their own decision.

2. Financial arguements always arise -

When you are not contented or always have the saying "this is not the life i wanted" and you say it to him or even let him feel it, you tend to demoralize his manhood and confidence. When a fight arises always try not to mention about the lack of financial capabilities your family has, if you continue to do that, they will feel they are not good for you and eventually be vunerable and unhappy.

3. They are no longer sexually satisfied -

Ever wonder why they always go for the younger ladies? it's not love when they commit infedility to those young chicks, but sexual desires. Most young ladies can give 3 things to them;

a. They listen -

They listen to their problems and ease their pain by telling them they are not that tbad and everything is gonna be alright.

b. They are cuddly and show more affection like it was on your earlier years of marriage -

Guys will always miss the times when you were cuddly and very affectionate to them, Try your best to keep the flame up.

c. The Sex is more enjoyable -

When a guy is hooked up with young ladies, they are sexually aroused because of two things;

a. Young Ladies are very sexually active and kinky -

Psychologically speaking, guys like young girls because they can explore new things which their wives forgot to do because of the years gone by.

b. They have a tighter Vagina -

This is the biggest secret of all, men like tight vagina's. why? because it boost their sexual egos when they know that their sexual organs feel tight inside a woman. Ever wonder why Penis Enlarger are selling like crazy in the internet? it is because of this, they want the feeling of their sexual organs to feel tight inside a woman so that their sexual ego and their confidence will boost and eventually make them feel great.

So if you want to strengthen your relationship with your partners, always be aware of why they are drifting apart from you. The 3 reasons this blog has given you will show you the right path and hope it can help you in the future so that you will be more aware and know what to do when problem arises.

To learn more on how to tighten the vagina click here

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